April. Craig Montana.

April. Craig Montana.

All is well in downtown Craig Montana.

Fishing? Some good days and some not as good. Catch rates is what I am speaking about. They are all good days…just some days you catch more fish.

But thankfully we do not base our happiness quotient on catch rates. We base it on the air temperature.

And Thursday and Friday will make us happy with air temps at the 70F mark.

But alas, that will not get us through the following week with snow expected this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday big time snow falling from the skies.

Volatile weather patterns. April. Craig Montana.

Water temps took a dive with the overnight lows in the mid teens Monday night/Tuesday morning. They will creep out of the cellar into the mid 40’s quite soon. Maybe.

BWO’s moving around subsurface and even this PMD’s along with the bug soup of scuds, sows, worms, and caddis flies. The underwater world is alive. Become part of it!

Having a ball in town these days are we are seeing lots of our springtime favorites. See you at Izaak’s or late night at Joe’s! Welcome back to Craig.

April. Craig Montana.


2 thoughts on “April. Craig Montana.”

  1. HH Guide Matt gave us some great what-flys-to-use info on the mid canyon section last week…our next four days of fishing were excellent. Thank you Matt!!!

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