Headhunters 9th Anniversary is Today!

Headhunters 9th Anniversary is Today!

Yes. Today is the 1st day of our 10th year.

Tomorrow is the 2nd day.

Lots of thanks to many who have helped us through the first 9. Sara starts her 9th year. Ninch os in his 8th. Braden and Dewey 4 or 5 years. Julie has been our savior since day 1. Ben Hardy also since the beginning. Jimmy in his 6th. I think with Marty in his 3rd or 4th. Shane going on 3…and new Headhunters members joint this year too. 5 new shop staff to augment our existing pro’s.

We are so fortunate to work and play here in Craig Montana on the banks of the Missouri River. It is why all of us are here. We’d be nothing with this world class resource.

So many thanks to Mother Mo. Loads of appreciation to our fantastic and competent staff. And of course we could not do any of this without you the reader, the client, the Headhunters customer.

Thanks for all of your support for the first 9. We are entering our 10th. Thanks in advance for your continued support.

We are big fans of conservation, women, children, and veterans. That is who we focus our volunteer efforts upon as well as our annual donations and giving. We support our local community and help in whatever endeavors need attention.

We are outspoken because we believe that somebody has to beat the drum. We are transparent because we feel that information, education, entertainment and above all customer service never falls out of style.

Headhunters believes in mentoring youth and vets. Fly Fishing can be fun and can grow. Pretentiousness has no place in this sport. Part of our daily focus includes helping anglers enjoy their day.

We support several fly fishing families here in the greater Craig area. We believe in family and hard work.

We believe that transparency is the only way to roll. And while not everybody believes in that kind of honesty we don’t know any other way to conduct business and fly fishing lives.

Headhunters is having fun on the banks of the Missouri River in Craig Montana.

We cannot thank you enough for your generosity and supportive words over the past 9 years.

Many thanks from all of us here at Headhunters!

15 thoughts on “Headhunters 9th Anniversary is Today!”

  1. The thanks really goes the other way, from us fly fishers to all of you at the shop. Thanks for making trips to Craig and the MO so enjoyable. You folks are a world class operation. Keep up the great work and looking forward to seeing you all in the fall.

  2. Happy Anniversary to my friends at Headhunters. Your shop is a culture and a commitment to conservation education and service that is unsurpassed. Can’t wait to see you all in the near future! Many more to you!

  3. Good job to all. Your advice, transparency, and good honest attitude are only some of the reasons you have survived in this world of internet orders and big box stores. Congrats, I think this deserves shots of Redbreast all around. Wish I was there.

  4. I think I am entering my 5th or 6th year of coming up to fish with your team. I have brought great fisherman along, good fisherman along and brand new to the sport fisherman along. I brought my son when he was 12 and my entire family to show them what I love so much. With every group your guides have been able to read their level of experience, personalities and level of interest. Everyone has had a great time and we have never had a bad experience. In fact everyone in the group says it is the best vacation they take all year. Special thanks to Ben, Ryan, Brett, Jared (when he was there), Mark H., Jeff and Steve. We fished 40 or 50 days with these guys. All great.

    Keep it going! I am in for another 20 years.

  5. I think I am entering my 5th or 6th year of coming up to fish with your team. I have brought great fisherman along, good fisherman along and brand new to the sport fisherman along. I brought my son when he was 12 and my entire family to show them what I love so much. With every group your guides have been able to read their level of experience, personalities and level of interest. Everyone has had a great time and we have never had a bad experience. In fact everyone in the group says it is the best vacation they take all year. Special thanks to Ben, Ryan, Brett, Jared (when he was there), Mark H., Jeff and Steve. We fished 40 or 50 days with these guys. All great.

    Keep it going! I am in for another 20 years.

  6. Sara and Julie…the best. Thx for their help in arranging our guides this year and years past. Less than 3 weeks to go for us..yesssssssssssssss

  7. Happy B-Day Headhunters! The first fly shop my wife and I walked into in Craig. You guys were still putting the place together. Congrats on your success! We’ve always appreciated the great conversations and tips that are readily available. Looking forward to spending a lot of time down there this summer for work, starting in 12 days. Keep it up, and see you soon.

  8. Happy Birthday to you all. I love coming to my hometown Helena each summer and fishing the Mo with my kids out of my boat. I read your blog every day and use your tips when tying flies all winter. I love your shop when I stop in. Your short film clips keep me entertained all winter. Thanks for coaching me on being more successful in the shop or when we run into each other on the water or the take outs.See you in July!

  9. Happy Birthday. I’ll be there for my fourth time this October, it is what I look forward to every year.

  10. Happy B-Day to all the Headhunters staff,
    As a fisherman who is fortunate to be able to fish the Missouri any day I choose yearlong, I want all of you at Headhunters to know I look forward to all my visits in the shop and I never take them for granted. Great customer service is something you have mastered and it is much appreciated.

  11. Congrats you guys! Your hard work has turned into something special… Looking forward to seeing you and the Mo next week!

  12. Thanks for all the kind words everybody! We appreciate your support! The shop wouldn’t be what it is without each one of you. Hopefully we will see all of you soon.

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