Sunday Scenery

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A packed house yesterday as the weather topped 70° in downtown Craiglandia for the first time this year. Seems early to me, but most folks don’t mind shorts-and-flip-flop weather in mid-March. The parking lots were full and the Headhunters Crew spent most of the day shuttling rigs between the Dam and Prewitt Creek. A giant herd of sheep headed up to the dam and the more adventurous souls headed into the Cañon.

Fishing reports were OK at best, and pretty rough at worst. Down was better than up. Not sure if it’s the how the what or the where? Wading anglers seemed to do much better as well.

I don’t expect it to be as crowded Sunday, and things will hopefully be a bit cooler and cloudier. And not so windy. But I wouldn’t bet on the latter.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]