Will we have High Water this year?

Will we have High Water this year?

Don’t know. But we do know we like the snow.

To have high water we have to have a winter like we are having, average really, and rain from April or May onward.

So, we wait and we see.

The pic above is taken during one of the 4 years of high water we had here on the Mo ’08-’11. 4 Big high water years with flows into the mid and upper 20K range flirting with 30K. The Dearborn was raging at 5K. Little Prickly Pear was a torrent about a thousand.

Just a reminder this morning that we do need some sort of high flow to follow the historical map. Traditionally the river got a cleanse about every third year. We are over due as the last five have passed without occurrence. So, we are due.

I don’t believe it will happen. But that is the pessimist crawling out of me this Saturday morning.

Enjoy your weekend. It is warmer than the last week. Warmth in the future too.

This image of the fish, a brown trout, is Kelly Lasek with one of those worm caught fish during the high water period in 2010. The image on the banner is also a 2010 June image. You know where that is?

Will we have High Water this year?

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