Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!


Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!

Snowing in Craig Wednesday. More today? The weather guesser said it would.

Cooler this weekend than last. Highs in the lower 30’s.


This previous weekend gave us a taste of spring. But, thankfully it is a month or two away. Let’s stack up some of the white stuff in the hills, the mountains, the Rockies. For summer. Summer water is important.

So do your freaky snow dance in the office today. Invite a couple of your work posse over and do the funky jive.

Pattern it after this marvelous dancer below…

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2 thoughts on “Thursday Snow on the Mighty Mo!”

  1. Sweet fancy Moses. I could do that snow dance. It must work because we have had snow and 40 mile an hour winds causing lots of drifts in southern Idaho.

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