HFS Weather & River Conditions

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]In our constant effort to make our website more mobile friendly, we’ve just installed a new custom element to the home page of our website that we think you all will appreciate. The widget shows up to date reporting for the weather and water conditions people call and ask us about the most. It’s right here, to your left in real time. Temperature, wind speed, Streamflow below Holter Dam, streamflow graph and water temperature. You also get an idea of cloud cover and precipitation via weather icons. Custom made, just for you…

The slickest use of it may be on your mobile device (approx. 50% of our traffic comes to us from mobile devices). If you visit Headhunters on your phone, the new Weather and Water element is the first thing you will see. Weather (wind speed!) on top followed by the river report, including a graph to show you which way the flows are trending. If you click on the graph (blue line) it will take you to the USGS site for the Missouri River below Holter dam for all the details. Right below the river report is a button linking to our Fishing Report category from our blog, a most popular destination for online visitors. Below that you can click the Weather Underground icon and go right to the Wolf Creek weather station for a full and detailed weather forecast. Boom!

So right from the top you can use your phone to access everything you probably want to know about current fishing conditions on the Missouri River, and make that critical decision whether or not to hit the river. Handy if you’re in your cubicle inn Helena, a casino in Great Falls, or catching a connecting flight in Denver. Perfect for that trout bum mobile lifestyle.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-7″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

3 thoughts on “HFS Weather & River Conditions”

  1. Really like the river and weather condition section! Thanks. And also like and respect John’s “Resist” tag–yes, indeed!

    • Scott thanks for inquiring. That widget is not supported by Weather Underground anymore. We had that one built specifically for us on this site. And then the non-support from WU on the app side. We miss it too!

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