Monday Morning Update here in Central Montana

Monday Morning Update here in Central Montana

Fishing is back here on the Missouri River. The recent not as cold weather along with the sun shining has brought fishing back! A few anglers on the water with a number of shuttles this last weekend. Not too much wind either. Pretty nice out there with anglers catching some fish too!

Swinging and nymphing. Pink is the word on the nymphing side. Smaller and somewhat deep for the swingers.

The water levels for the summer are in need of some help. Behind schedule for our snowpack. That can, we hope, change in a long snowy week. But we do not see that in the near future. Some snow in the forecast though this week. Dump it up in the hills please.

In discussions with John this last week he mentioned that in the past several years we have not had the lower and mid level snow. We do this year. We just need more in the upper regions. It will come. The wet months are still in front of us.

Water temps are steady. Water flows are steady at 3550cfs. The water managers are in the holding and storage mode. They will be until the 4th week of June. Then they will open it up and let it ride for th remainder of the summer. So let’s have some snow this week ahead and stack it up man!

Booking is happening for the 2017 season. Again a reminder that the longer you wait…but there is always room in the Craig campground. Or not.

We have our second round of Spey Casting Clinics this coming weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday sessions are full. You can always book a private spey casting lesson from us here in Craig or get in the boat and roam around the Mo with Headhunters Spey Guide.

Fly Tying Night coming again to the shop. We will let you know. Sometime in early February we think.

The Annual Headhunters Spring Special begins in mid-March. Get on board with not only discounted spring guide trips but cheap lodging here in Craig as well. The latter part of April is all locked up. How about that late March period. Fun times with not much pressure. Hopefully we get some good midge action in late February that leads into a good dry fly bite in March. Guide trips for a mere $350. Lodging starting at $125.

We still have a lot of winter in front of us. Months. Spring will arrive.