Vote Trout 2016

Vote Trout 2016

We don’t care if you vote Brown, Rainbow, Brook, or Cutthroat Trout this election. Just be clear on your stance.

I have always been a fan of the Brown Trout. Regal, predatory, strong, aggressive, and tolerant of many water conditions.

You may feel differently. And that is OK!

Just cast your vote today and cast it often! I know we will be focussed on the race for the remainder of this season and into the next.

Why don’t you cat your vote today by calling Headhunters and getting on the books for 2017. Never too early to get your ballot turned in. You can even e-mail it in. Call it in. They all work.

Our polls are open daily 730-6pm.

And we won’t judge you if you vote for the Whitefish…


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