3 Ways to get your hands on Brown Trout

3 Ways to get your hands on Brown Trout

A few quick techniques to get your hands on Brown Trout on the Missouri River. And beyond. You gotta be on the river. That is the common theme. Fishing more gets you there. But we can isolate a few other techniques that will keep you in the game.

Fish Early, Fish Late

Fish early and fish late. Brown Trout love to roam flats searching for bait fish. Just ask Galloup. That is why all of the millennial’s are tossing double and triple articulated patterns all day long. We would argue that you can catch that same trout if you are smarter than the average angler. How about fishing and targeting the brown trout when they are most likely to eat your streamer.

The most active time for brown trout is one hour before daylight. Yep, get out there before the sun pushes those bigger predators from the skinny water that they so love. So the best way to get in on the brown trout fun is to fish to them when they are interested in playing the game. Low light situations do not hinder your opportunity. High and bright days? Of course you can catch bigger fish during those periods, but why not stack the deck in your favor? Fish early and fish late.

Be properly rigged

If you are out there fishing for those bigger predators like the Brown Trout you may want to invest in the proper gear. We suggest having the right tools for the job. Sure your 5 weight will do the trick, but if you re hunting for that trophy elk, you are not stalking him with your wife’s .22 cal Marlin. At least we hope not.

Get yourself a 6wt or a 7 wt for all mooring, all day, all night casting and fishing success. Easier to throw therefore more efficient. You may as well be efficient. We have been loving the Sage ACCEL 7 wt. Many of the HH gang thinks this is the finest streamer rod that we have used. An easy caster for that brown trout love we are all searching for.

And streamer lines. Clean them often. Why not make it easy for yourself. Streamer fishing requires lots and lots of casting. Slippery fly lines shoot better and are easier to use. When you feel that line get a bit rough, ad bit tough to cast, when the shoot-ability is reduced, run that line cleaner over the line and get back int he game.

A dry line, an intermediate, or that dredger fly line can come in handy when fishing for those brown trout.  Put yourself in the correct zone to hunt for your trophy. If you are fishing deeper water, fish a type 6 tip. Or an intermediate with a dredging tip on it. Or fish that bigger bug with a split shot hanging on the tippet. Get the fly to the fish. Just like nymphers that catch a bundle of fish, get the fly to the zone. Get the fly in front of the trout. Much harder to get them interested if you are not putting the fly in the right spot!

I fish with a fellow who is truly addicted to streamer fishing. Brad shows up with 4 rods rigged. Streamer rods. 4 streamer rods rigged for the day. That is how to approach the game in the right way. 4 rods, 4 depths. This may not be for everybody…but if you are serious, this may be a route for you!

Fish More!

You gotta get out there and fish. Those who achieve success shooting that big bull elk do not just go out into the woods, sight one, and drop him. They have a whole catalog of information. They have been scouting for possibly years. They are in the right spot at the right time. They have put in the time and have gotten the desired result. Same thing with fly fishing for larger trout. Of course there are some aspects of luck in all hunting pursuits, but they almost always come to those who have put in the time on the front end.

I am continually shocked at the lack of preparation, planning, and practice of anglers that expect big outcomes. I think many anglers assume that just by waltzing onto the river they should deserve huge results. In any occupation or recreation arena those who do the right things prosper. Like your job, your education, your fly fishing recreation journey you have to put in the time.

Fishing more sets you up for success. Your casting skill set is improved. You river knowledge bar is raised. You understand where those bigger brown trout may lay, or hide, or feed. You learn as you fish more. Fishing less does not equate to larger fish. It just does not.

All those Facebook posts of giant brown trout are not caught by too many weekenders. Those who fish 3 days a year are not holding many of halloween flavored gaggers. Get out there and fish more!

Bonus 4th Method!

Fish with an effective streamer angler. You can learn so much from watching one of your friends, one of those fellers that lives for the streamer, an original bugger chucker. That type of angler catches more fish than most. The stripping techniques, the ease of the cast, the minimal effort that is required to send that fly line 70′ without false casting 12 times, and the rigging techniques that they employ are worth a few cocktails that you will most certainly provide at the completion  of the day. Some of these anglers will leave you with your jaw on the bottom of the boat. Find that guy. Fish with that guy…if he’ll let you.

Big Brown Trout Summary

Learn, cast, practice, talk, fish early and late, understand your tools, continue to expand your knowledge base, and fish more. Doing those things can lead you down the road, or more appropriately down the river of bigger brown trout success.


2 thoughts on “3 Ways to get your hands on Brown Trout”

  1. I am seeking help for my addiction however. 7wt is my therapist. Missing the Mo… J rocked the Green last weekend.

  2. “Like your job, your education, your fly fishing recreation journey you have to put in the time.”
    So true, Mark. Your elk hunting analogy is spot on. I’d be interested to read, in a future posting, more about the concept of “putting in time,” and how it’s not just about hours spent on the river but what you do with those hours–observe, problem solve, learn, remember, apply, etc. I’ve gained more insight into trout fishing–not just on the MO but in general–from your blog than from a dozen books. Thanks for the constant stream of wisdom.

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