Attn DFO’s One Month Left


Attn DFO’s One Month Left

Saw the new web site banner that John updated this morning and was reminded that we getting short. The time left to throw that dry fly at a specific target is waning. And if you look at the Craig Boat ramp above, you should like the traffic volume. ‘Bout right for late October.

Headhunters gotta get it done. Now is the time. Good to great dry fly fishing, hatches, generally last until the Thanksgiving holiday. This year should be no different.

But, but we need some good BWO’s. Not those tiny Pseudo’s that we have been seeing for  6 weeks. No. The real ones. The true BWO’s. They have been seen but not to the magnitude that we get all revved up about.

Are they coming? Yes, maybe.

You will probably have to be here to witness it. Which day? What week? What reach? Only those on the river will find the truth!

I have seen a few bigger bugs this last week. One of those days the fish ate the fly well. The following day? No bugs. Go figure.

The water temps are in the correct zone. The water is cooperating. Now the bugs have to come.

Attn DFO's One Month LeftSo if you want to get in on that blue winged olive love you oughtta plan some time on the river.

Those who are not Headhunting are out there swinging the TroutSpey rod. I have seen several participants every day this last week. Some are throwing a streamer, some are swinging the soft hackle. We are in full swing, so to speak, with the 2 handed game here at Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig.

The Missouri River information, education, and demo center fly shop. We have a ton of demo fly lines, a couple stuffed quivers of Trout Spey rods for your testing needs, and a wall full of tips and leaders. Flies? Yep, Ninch has that dialed.

The beauty of the Missouri River is that we have arena for both the dry fly lover and the two handed swinger. The center of the river is for the nymphers. A symbiotic relationship? We’ll let you make that call.

Having said that we would love to remind the boat wranglers that when a bank angler is sighted…to give that fellow a ton of room. No need to crowd that person. HE may be resting a fish, he may not be engaged in fishing, but it is polite to give those on foot a bunch of room. A lot.

Attn DFO’s One Month Left

Yes indeed. The dry fly season is headed for the annual the decline. Well not yet. We have a couple more weeks when it should be exceptional. That time frame lies ahead. As the sun sets sooner every day so will the dry fly action. It will fade away.

Headhunters Fly Shop is open daily. We have a full cadre of guides scheduled through November 16th. And as you know our guide crew live here locally and does not leave for winter jobs. They are here. And when not guiding this time of year they are out fishing. Because, it is that good. You may know that when a guide is guiding, rowing…he is not fishing. So, these fella’s are pumped up to hook a few of those finicky rising trout on the Mo.

But they will take time out to drift you around on the fishy fall waters of the Missouri hunting heads. Call today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_grid columns=”4″ orderby=”title” order=”” ids=”11104, 17600, 6578, 9911″ post_type=”ids” no_items_message=”” items_layout=”shop_trendy” items_gap=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Izaak’s Open thru this Saturday. This is the swan song week for our food friends to the east. Thanks Izaak’s for a wonderful year. We are already hungry for 2017!

3 thoughts on “Attn DFO’s One Month Left”

  1. Thanks for the update. How are the weeds right now and what time of year do they release and the river clears of them?

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