Hump Day Brown Trout

Hump Day Brown Trout

As I stated a couple days ago…the lid is about to come off this baby.

Folks always ask me if I would call, email, let them know when the fishing is great. It is almost that time. Almost.

The next couple weeks, the next month will be epic.

The BWO’s are near. The big ones. Water temps are dropping and the bugs will be poppin’.

Trust me. I’m a fishing guide…

4 thoughts on “Hump Day Brown Trout”

  1. Strong black coffee and the HH fishing blog… only way to start the day!
    Epic rant on Monday, Mark! And, I’m sure, well deseverved. Discretion prevents you from naming names, but wouldn’t that be awesome? Just once? And 16 responding comments, 2 total strangers chatting and bonding( and maybe fishing) and some social commentary. Nearly viral? You may yet be appointed “King of Flyfishing Bloggery”. Cool
    In response to your rant I have to relate 2 quick stories about my late friend, Walt.
    Quick bio: Walt was a retired professor who looked like an old cowboy, complete with worn out felt hat and white walrus moustache. He seldom spoke. Even to friends. His voice was really deep and resonant- in fact he sounded exactly like Sam Elliot the actor- and never loud. And he sounded totally uneducated unless he was making a point. He fished, tied great flies, and hung out for hours in flyshops from Ft. Smith to Missoula because he “liked the price of the coffee”. The only negative thing I ever heard him say was “I despise whiners”.
    Once, in a shop in billings, a dissatisfied guy went on and on to the owner about his “crappy guide” on the Bighorn (with a different outfitter by the way) and didn’t we agree he’d gotten screwed. He’d floated the Horn all day, hooked and lost one fish, and listened to the repeat over and over for 8 hours cast closer to the bank- you’re too far from the bank. To top that off, while the client ate his lunch, the guide hooked and landed a fish in two casts with the same rod the client was using! Finally the guy asked us “how low on the one-to- ten shitty scale would you guys rank this guy?” Walt answered in that low bass voice – ” well (pause) given yer testimony (pause) ’bout eleven notches higher’n you. Don’t y’all have somewheres else to be?”
    And in a shop in Livingston – Walt and I were having coffee- a guy came in to book a float for the next day. While the details were worked out, the man said he’d gone on a trip earlier in the season and hadn’t hooked one fish. He said that for the price he’d paid he felt he should at least hook a couple fish. He went on to say he didn’t fish much at home but he saw the little kids there fish with a willow branch with some line and a hook tied on the end catch fish like crazy. If they could anyone should be able to. I don’t want to be ripped off again. Then he looked right at Walt and said “What do you think?” Walts deep voice began “I think if I was you (long pause) I’d take one o’ them kids along”.
    Sorry to hog your blog again. Keep doing what you do

  2. Hey Mark. Just catching up on the blog after being out to fish the Mo last week with a group of friends from Chicago. Year three of an annual jaunt to fish out of Craig. I think the lid might already be coming off. We had awesome fishing all week, but Thursday took the cake. So many fish landed and such large ones we discussed coming in from a guided day early. Almost. Decided the fishing was so epic that we stayed out, tired arms be damned. Four in our group had never fished the Mo before, but were pretty speechless is describing what a great time they had. As one mentioned, fishing the Mo made us feel like kids again. Doesn’t get better than Headhunters and the Missouri. Sutton Place was perfect for us. And special thanks to those who helped us out in the shop–Ben, Braden, Sara, and Julie. And for the guides that took us out for great days on the water–Brett, Kurt, Nick, and Max. Thanks for all you folks do for anglers like us. We couldn’t have asked for more and are already planning our 2017 trip! Oh, and go Cubs!!

    • Steve,

      Hey thanks. We could not do what we do without this fabulous river. It is the best! Thanks to you fellas for carrying on your 3rd year tradition. Sounds like another 30 in front of you! And, go Cubs!

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