Silly Saturday Scenery Man with Dog Edition

Silly Saturday Scenery Man with Dog Edition

The sun ends today as we head into weather that gets our blood pumping.

Overcast along with moisture makes us happy.

The bugs like it. The fish like it. Anglers like it.

What’s not to like?

A few Headhunters are heading over to the Clearwater River to swing for Steelhead this coming week. We will keep you informed as to what happens with a  post or two from the trip. Check out our FB page too for pics ad updates.

Enjoy the weekend. Football, BWO’s, and naps that are always better when it is raining!

2 thoughts on “Silly Saturday Scenery Man with Dog Edition”

  1. Sure you have enough fly patterns to outfit the fleet but try a little old-school shit too. A size 8 Col. Pritchard or Princeton can perk it up or take you back to the 60s for a while. If you get a look or 2 or some short hits throw a riffle hitch on the head and let a few casts hang a while after the swing. Sometimes old school makes ya cool.

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