Friday Foto An Early Fall in Montana?

Friday Foto An Early Fall in Montana?

Saw the turning of colors begin about 2 weeks ago.

An early fall in Montana?

Yep. Maybe.

The water temps are cooler than normal. The weed growth is not early what it has been in the past several years. The traffic is light.

The latter having nothing to do with the prediction of an early fall.

Would we encourage the summer to fade effortlessly into the 3rd season? Sure, why not.

So many of the previous Octobers have been un-fall like. 75F and windy.

I am looking for 45F, calm, cool, moist…and overcast.

How about you. An early fall in Montana? Bring it!

Friday Foto. The weekend ahead looks pretty damn hot. Today not as bad. Then warmer for the front end of the week. Cooling about a week from now. Lets hope we get a cooler tail end of August.

And let’s get on with the fall weather, and fishing too.