Sage X Coming Soon

Sage X Coming Soon

The latest and greatest fem Sage coming soon. The X replaces the Sage ONE.

It’s good. That is what I will say and it is also what I hear from those who have handled it.

We will have the Sage X available very soon in the 590 and maybe the 690? Pretty excited for you to cast the latest Sage rod.

Review forthcoming.


Hot out this Saturday. 94F and still creeping higher at 4pm.

Tons of pleasure floaters on the Mo today. I counted 37 craft with many more folks than that between below Grassy Banks to Mountain Palace. Whoa!

Some anglers too but most off the water about 3pm or earlier with these mid day air temps.

Cooling as we move from the weekend into the coming week. We welcome that.

August is pretty quiet on the Mo. Come out for a look and bring your fly pole. You may enjoy the slower pace.

You still gotta get up early though…