Friday Foto Rain Delay

Friday Foto Rain Delay

Two of my favorites over the years.

Tony and Sandy. Quite a pair.

Enjoyed fishing with both of them.

This is a rain delay a number of years ago under the tailgate at Stickney Creek. Rain and TStorms this weekend in combination with sun! Be prepared with the right rain gear that you can of course find at Headhunters. SIMMS and Gore-Tex allow you to fish longer!

An epic Trico hatch yesterday has us all revved up for today. What will it bring? More bugs for sure…

Shop open early at 6am and late til 9pm for all your Missouri River needs!

1 thought on “Friday Foto Rain Delay”

  1. A wry “good luck, guys” from the desk jockeys. “Epic trick hatch” in progress and we’re stuck in meetings or other BS all day. Thx a bunch!

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