New Boat Smell Hyde Montana Skiff

New Boat Smell Hyde Montana Skiff

Shane Wilson and his new Hyde Montana Skiff today at Headhunters Fly Shop.

Max Mattioli has one too. Now both of these HH guides are rocking this Hyde version of the ever so popular skiff that is taking over Montana’s Missouri River. Some don’t like the skiff design because it is not the classic drift boat dory style.

How about those who did mot believe in digital images. Those film shooters are still fishing those pointy ended boats.

I once shot a TV show where the producer asked me what boat I would fish from. I pointed at my Adipose Flow Skiff. He said “Could you borrow one of those pointy boats? It looks more like a Montana style row boat.”

I told him to jump in a lake. We would be shooting the show fishing from my skiff.

Because it looks more like a Montana style row boat.


2 thoughts on “New Boat Smell Hyde Montana Skiff”

  1. Ouch. The WTF boat just got it’s feelings hurt for being old fashioned….

    Now to convince the wife unit that I NEED a skiff. She has a digital camera! Fair is fair.

  2. Mark- Hyde and RO seem to be doing a me-too (I suppose Clack is too) , copying many of Adipose’s ORIGINAL features. To me, if you want all this stuff why not buy the original and not reward the posers? I’m in the market for an Adipose so I guess I’m biased 🙂

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