Always worth the trip Blackfoot River Video

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Headed over the mountain this morning to the Blackfoot River.

The big bugs are coming off. So we hope that the orange monsters are keeping those cutthroats busy.

Gotta go to know.

It is always worth the trip…

As for the Mighty Mo we see very good dry fly angling available. Are all of the fish looking toward the surface? No. But enough are poking their noses through the surface film.

Caddis and PMD’s are the key. Crips, emergers, and spinners. Not new news. Just a reminder that the trout on the Mo like the fly trapped in the film.


No negative reinforcement from the Buzzball. No wing profile, no body silhouette type, no bad shit at all. Just a good meal for an honest rise.

A few tips for getting a better bite on the Mo? Go out after 10am. No rush in the morning for the dry flies as of yet. As the spinners become an event we will be out earlier. But until then head out after the crowd and wander around finding a few singles and the crescendo to Valhalla.

Easy peasy.

Fishing is good all over the state. Enjoy Montana this summer and look us up if you are in the neighborhood.

Open daily 7-9. We are dedicated to the sport of fly in Craig MT.

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