HH Guide Spring Prep

Most of our guides live here full time. Some guide elsewhere during the winter months. One thing in common? They all fish all year long.

No hobby guides here on the Missouri River. All of the Headhunters Guides fish for a living. No weekenders.

While all of our parents wish we would have become lawyers, doctors, school teachers, insurance agents…most have come around and certainly understand that the passion for the outdoors and fishing overrides the moreĀ common career paths.

So here is Bret Lobbestael above fishing with his cousin Jay canyon style. Stripping and drifting and jigging streamers with success. Brent said that the fishing was not tot bad. Some looks along with some takes made for a good day.

Our guides are out testing the waters daily. Getting ready for the Spring Special which begins March 15th. Come out and fish with us for $350/day. The best deal in the canyon with highly trained career fishing guides.

Bring your sunscreen as we are enjoying the unseasonal weather this year!

4 thoughts on “HH Guide Spring Prep”

    • You know you are right bud, fish don’t care if you fish for a living. But ask yourself this…would you want a weekend Surgeon, attorney, plumber, electrician, or fishing guide?

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