At the Headhunters Vise last night

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At the Headhunters Vise last night in Craig Montana.

The usual suspects tied for a couple hours chomping on some KFC brought by Rick. Thanks Rick.

Remember when at those strange family or neighborhood party’s in the 70’s when the bucket of KFC was standard issue? Boy I remember. The reason being I was still a child. I think the adults at those outdoor summer evening party’s don’t recollect as much. Just sayin’.

Buzzball’s, Para-Cluster Midges, Leeches, some new Kreelex UV stuff from Ninch, WD-40’s. Normal winter fare.

Maybe one more tying night. Or not. If we roll one more out we will let you know on this very fishy Blog.

Nice moon out there right now. Good Ling fishing weather.

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1 thought on “At the Headhunters Vise last night”

  1. Very cool, what is the UV material used on those kreelexes? What are the best colors up there these days.


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