Photo Contest Winner – Girl’s Rule, Boy’s Drool

We received over 100 great image submissions for our Girl’s Rule, Boy’s Drool photo contest. Very, very tough to judge with so many great photo’s and great fish. We were really impressed with all of the great shots. If you go through the entire set – and see all of the hawgs these women are holding –  you’ll see that girl’s really do rule. The thing I noticed was the look of confidence on all of these faces. These women look like they spend a lot of time on the water, and are used to holding trophies for the camera. Nice.

We really struggled picking the winner. We had our crack staff of fly fishing junkies and photographers all pick their favorite 5. After counting the votes, we gave consideration to how many “likes” the images received, and chose the winner.

It easily could have been Tara with this Permit (girls who catch Permit definitely rule)…


Or this hawg Brown caught by Anne Marie…


Or this Steelhead from Allison…


Or a big Brown from Aislinn…


Or this mongo fish from Alix, which was definitely in the running…


and why not this super-pig from Dianne? What a fish!


And we need to acknowledge the photo that got the most “Likes” from Hadley. Another beauty!


And the image that was technically the best photograph. This beautiful scene from Jacey and Andy Watson…


But after all the votes and likes were tallied, the winner is (drumroll)

The Winner Is


Kelsey Carlson with this great smile and great Westslope Cutthroat. Kelsey had the second most “likes”, which confirmed the vote. The photo was taken by Alec Underwood. Congratulations Kelsey! Headed your way is a Simms Women’s Rogue fleece, a Headhunters T-Shirt, and more ladies shwag! You’ll need to call the shop to have the girls get you all sized up.

Thanks again for all of the great photos from the female angling community. Very impressive.

Stay tuned for our next photo contest, coming soon.

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