Friday Foto & Fishing Report

Friday Foto & Fishing Report

A landscape at Cellphone Bluff.

Windy and warm this week. Threatening some snow maybe this afternoon?

An awakening on the river this week as well. Lots of anglers out and about as the weather allowed for springlike clothing. The water temps are up a bit and the shelf ice  has disappeared from the banks. The snow is nearly gone on the flats, still some in the hills. But for the most part all gone.

It will return but not in the near future. Warmer temps will grace us for the next week at least. As mentioned above the wind usually is the ugly unwanted partner. Makes for good casting practice.

Missouri River Weekend River Tips

  • You can fish other runs other than the upper river. With the ice free arena ranging from the dam to at least Mountain Palace you can roam. Some anglers even fishing below MP to Pelican Point. Swingers can be found anywhere.
  • Trout Spey fans are fishing the Clouser, small leeches, Kreelex, buggers, Marabou Clousers, Skiddish Smolt, Mozuri Minnows, and may more. The two handed game is pretty strong as of late. Come by for all you need in lines, leaders, tips, and flies. We are the information source wen it comes to Montana Spey.
  • Nymphers are finding trout in the slow, the medium slow, and even some medium speed waters. Most of the anglers are not rocking split shot. Most of the anglers are finding Pink to be the answer. If you cannot stomach the fruity flies you may try Zebra’s, grey sows, Ray Charles, Little Green Machines, Worms, Depth is the key for bobber fishers. Find it. Fish it. Love it.
  • Skittering Midge present in backwaters, eddies, and along inside edges. Fish it if you can. Flies that can entertain Mo River Trout include CDC Hanging Midge, Midge Cluster, Buzzball, Adams, Griffith’s Gnat, CDC Cluster, Double Posted Cluster, Bunny Dun Midge, and more.
  • See us for your shuttle this weekend. Fill up your coffee cup or Thermos while you get the skinny at Headhunters. Always discounted winter  lodging @ Craig Trout Camp and a few other select river properties. A good time to demo and Adipose Drift Boat before the masses arrive. We also facilitate the Project Healing Waters boats which are always free of charge for vets and active duty military members. Call today to reserve one of two Adipose and Headhunters sponsored drifters.

Headhunters is your only full time fly shop on the Missouri River. Thanks for your patronage. Open all 7 days @ 8am.