Spey Clinic Bumped

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Unfortunately, the weather is forcing us to move this weekends spey clinic to the following weekend, Jan. 16th, 2015. The forecast is for a high temperature around 12 and a low that morning of around 7 degrees. We have also had quite a bit of floating ice on the upper river the last 2 weeks, and if that persists with the cold weather it would make casting & swinging impossible.

We have actually held a clinic or two in these conditions,and while we all had fun for an hour or two, it was more or less a waste of time. Guides freeze up in less than three casts, hands are numb making it impossible to feel & secure your shooting line, and getting in and out of the water on the shelf ice can be dangerous.

It also looks like there will be some snow on Friday night/ Saturday morning and we don’t want anyone driving to Craig in icy conditions.

The clinic will be held the following weekend – Saturday Jan. 16th – at the same time and place. Plan on being at Headhunters by 8:30-45. Classroom presentation will start at 9am.

You will automatically be added to the Jan. 16th class, so if you can’t make it on that date, please contact Ben or Sara and let them know (1-877-379-3597 or 406-235-3447). They will get you into one of our other clinics in Feb. or March.

This clinic is full with a waiting list, so please don’t call to try and add your name.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]