Shelf Ice Sunday


Shelf Ice Sunday

Be careful out there with the shelf ice building throughout the week.

Probably more this week too. Nightly temperatures have dipped well below the freezing mark allowing shelf ice to develop.

While shelf ice up and down the river corridor the slush does not start until about Mid-Canon. Then every mile you head downstream it increases exponentially. That may be too strong a figure, but it certainly increases enough to stop fishing by the time you get in the neighborhood of Gary Cooper Bridge abutment.

Enjoy your Sunday. Good football on the TV today. Relax another day before many of you go back into the work fray. Good luck on that.

Again, be aware if you are wade fishing of the shelf ice situation. Also if you are wade fishing you should be aware of the icebergs floating downstream.

Most of the boat ramps have shelf ice protruding from them as well. Most boat ramps will certainly require a 4WD outfit this week. Or choose the flat entry and exit points.

Anywhere above Craig the ice in the river is pretty much non-existent. It really starts in the Mid-Canon area. So most are fishing upriver of Craig. Stop in and get an up to the minute slush, shelf ice, and fishing report from our crack staff here on site 364 days a year.

Be careful out there. Enjoy the week ahead!

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