Friday Foto along with BWO Report

Shitty bright sun this week. Some overcast yesterday afternoon. More this weekend.

Thank the fishing gods for putting this sunny month to bed. Let’s finish the month with darker skies.

Having said that I feel better. No more t-shirt afternoons please.

Makes for great pictures. Not great dry fly fishing.

The BWO’s are around in the 18 size range. Not enough yet. Will this weekend break it wide open?


3 thoughts on “Friday Foto along with BWO Report”

  1. Headhunters:

    In the spring and fall I make several trips, mostly on weekends/ long weekends, to dry fly the wonderful Mo. It’s a 5 hr drive, one way…10 hrs return if my calculus is correct. I’m always checking web sites to try and get a read on how an upcoming weekend is shaping up. I really appreciate the honest fishing, esp hatch, reports, like the one today. Thanks Mark.

    • Thanks Bigfoot Stole My Wife. We am very careful not to blow things out of proportion. Honesty and transparency is the best policy. It is a fishing report. Meaning fishing events that have already happened. And some wacky predictions too…

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