Just Add Vise Clouser Crayfish Tying Video @ Headhunters Fly Shop

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Popular fly this time of year.

Guides and guests alike are tossing this big fly up front and getting it deep…or shallow.

Try one with a tiny mayfly dangling off of his Crayfishy tail.

Enjoy the video this somewhat soggy morning Tuesday in Craig MT. The bugs will come slower this cool day. Plenty of rain yesterday. Still raining hard as I write this blog at 820pm. River temps cool and the fish are hungry.

Come in and get the Crayfish Clouser “Just Add Vise” kit only at Headhunters. Our homegrown products will keep you tying those late summer nights. And this one is quite popular.

Included is everything you need for tying at least 24 flies. Furry Foam, Wool Yarn, Lead Wire, Ultra Wire, Thread Pheasant Tail, Hen Neck, Indian Rooster Saddle Patch, 25 3XL Streamer/Nymph Hooks. WOW! And the video link too.

Ninch and John put these together for those who wanted to tie our most popular fly patterns. Why not do it at home before you arrive? We give you that chance. Tie away our fishy friends.


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