Bahama’s Voices needed by Friday

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Suddenly, the Bahamas are considering legislation that would affect foreign anglers ability to fish unguided – which has become popular in recent years – as well as prohibit foreign ownership of fishing lodges.

We know quite a few anglers who love to do the DIY Bonefish thing on Long Island or Eleuthera. Not so much for the quality as for the kick back, beer-in-your-hand low pressure style trip it provides.

We know far more anglers who visit the many fine Bonefish lodges on the islands, some of which are foreign owned.

Ben Bullis at The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) seems to be spearheading efforts to generate comments to the Bahamian Government.

I’m not totally hip to who the players are – it’s a little out of my realm – but it sounds as if a handful of Bahamian guides/lodge operators are trying to create an exclusive and non-competitive environment for themselves.

Sounds like Smithers, eh!?[/vc_column_text][us_testimonial author=”Ben Bullis” company=”AFFTA”]The proposed legislation would essential destroy the sustainable fishing industry of the Bahamas. [/us_testimonial][vc_column_text]


Typical of this type of pre-planned political move, the comment period ends this Friday June 26th! You can help out by copying the following message (provided by Ben Bullis/AFFTA), or writing your own and e-mailing it to[/vc_column_text][us_separator show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_column_text]Dear Sir or Madam:

I strongly oppose the proposed fisheries regulations currently being proposed for the Bahamas. The issue of protecting the fisheries resource is not one of ownership but rather one of sound, common-sense stewardship. It is in the best interest of the fishing lodges and outfitting operations – whether they are locally owned or foreign owned – to protect the resource on which their businesses depend. Further, every fishing lodge in the Bahamas provides the country much needed jobs. Please focus your attention on the health and protection of the fisheries and do not attempt to regulate the guides and lodges. The proposed fisheries regulations are quite literally a bad solution in search of a problem that does not exist. The traveling angler has many choices throughout the Caribbean and throughout the world. If the Bahamas passes this legislation and sends the message that destination anglers are not welcome in the Bahamas, then he or she will quite simply take their business elsewhere. Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely,[/vc_column_text][us_separator show_line=”1″ line_width=”default”][vc_column_text]


To learn more about the proposed fisheries regulations and responses to it, check out these links:

Bonefish On The Brain

DIY Bonefishing

Gink & Gasoline

Hatch Magazine


2 thoughts on “Bahama’s Voices needed by Friday”

  1. That took 20 seconds to help keep that fishery from becoming a monopoly. Cut, paste, send

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