Tying LaFontaine’s Buzzball

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]A must for any hard core Missouri River angler.

Tied originally for this fine river emulating dead midge shucks.

In conversations with Gary LaFontaine on the Trout Shop Cafe porch way back in the day Gary stated that even though the original calls for Coachman Brown he preferred to tie it with Orange Dyed Grizzly. He said he thought the fish keyed in on it sooner than the original edition.

He also said that in his Proven Patterns book he claimed it was created for the eddy below Mountain Palace, but actually was tied for the dead fly feeding fish at Jackson Rock.

Tie this one up for your upcoming trip to the Mo. Or get on board with the JAV Buzzball Tying Kit below or at the Mother Ship in Craig.



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