Call to Action. HB 403

FWP needs our help, right now.

More Bullshit from the hill in Helena. Your legislators are not at all interested in maintaining our FAS sites. Well, not all of them. Read HB 403 for more info…or just read bellow. Either way, submit your opinion to the committee below!

House Bill 403 has eliminated the department’s spending authority on fishing access sites (FAS) statewide. This means NONE of your license dollars can be spent on FAS, including new sites and leasing established sites. Lease money equals 76% of the funding authority proposed to be cut in HB403. Where are these leased sites? Here’s a list of leased sites that will not be funded.

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HB403 will be heard by the Senate Finance and Claims committee this Monday, April 13 at 9 a.m. Please contact members of the committee asking them to replace the eliminated FAS funds in HB403.

Here are the nuts and bolts. Strike’d is the part we are concerned about.

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Use this form to contact the committee members:
1) Fill in your personal info
2) Select “Committee” (not an individual legislator)
3) Scroll down the committee list to find “Senate Finance and Claims”
4) Pick bill type HB
5) Select the “against” button,
6) Enter the bill # – 403 – in the box provided
7) Type in a short explanation why you want FAS funding reauthorized

Sorry for the short notice, but FWP just contacted FOAM Friday about this issue. Please take a moment tonight Sunday, and send your message to the committee members to preserve our FAS system funding authority.

Links to HB 403

Thanks in advance for your time and effort on this critical legislative issue.

Russell Parks, FOAM President
Robin Cunningham, FOAM Executive Director

Got this today from the FOAM ED and our FOAM President and am putting up right now. Call, plead, write, email. Now.