Friday Foto

Looks like overcast skies for the weekend. You like dry fly action? We do.

The wind-devil has been staying away for most of the week…he delivered some pretty hefty winds last weekend. So we should have some solace from the wind?

Who knows.

We do know that Izaak’s is open and the river is fishing well. Joe’s Bar you ask? Yep, open!

Most of the businesses in Craig are open save for the Taco Truck, but they too may be open soon. Izaak’s at 3pm and serving dinner. Izaak’s will be closed Monday nights for the month of April. Head on up to the Frenchman for dinner if you need a bite.

Shop open at 8am and open late til 7pm for all your Mo River trout fishing needs! We have lodging avail for this weekend too. Give us a call and hop in one of our discounted guide boats for $300!

Tomorrow is our 8th birthday here at Headhunters. How should we celebrate?


1 thought on “Friday Foto”

  1. Turned the comments off on the B-day post cuz you didn’t want a bunch of cheesy ones huh? Ha. Happy Birthday to the best damn fly shop in the country!! Thank you all for the help and fun over the past 7 years.

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