Trico’s are trout food. Missouri River Trico’s get us all worked up.
Good hatches daily. Not great ones yet. But they are on the horizon.
Pretty much anywhere you head you will find them. The weather will put them off for a couple hours this week. Late hatches. Sleep in if you wish. Not as many folks on the water as of yet this July. The rest of Montana is fishing well for sure. Albeit some with Hoot-Owl Closures.
The PMD’s may be slipping. Waning, An early showing in May may usher them out early as well. Now a strong 6 weeks heading into the 7th. 6-8 weeks is pretty common length of hatch for this summer standby.
The caddis not all that hot either. Some here and there during the day. The best seem to be above Wolf Creek Bridge in the veining session. Will more come?
Trico’s are the hot ticket for sure. Spinners are the way unless you like to show them the cripple or the emerger. Small Adams for the time being will work. Skittering caddis can shake the Trico feeding fish out of his focussed funk.

Skittering and dragging are two completely different movements. The latter is bad.
Best way to not catch them today includes tomahawking the fly across his head into the brush. That is one way to spook those little devils.
Water temps staying strong. Not rising too much. Th cool and rainy weather Wednesday along with the remainder of the week should keep the lid on it.
The nymphing bite is damn good. As you know. So is the streamer grab. It is also good. Tossed the streamer 3 times this last all with successes.
The Crawdad may be coming soon to a river near you.
Fish Bozeman Style with a big Pat’s Rubber Legs and some sort of tiny mayfly pattern. Or a big caddis pupa. Or some sort of bead fly.
Good times here on the Missouri River through this historically predictable month.A good one indeed.
Headhunters open early. Headhunters open late. Daily.