

Tuesday is here. And once again Headhunters offers up to you our favorite anglersĀ 2FER TUESDAY BOGO CFO ANT.

Buy one, get one.

Live at Midnight tonight thru the midnight Tuesday. All day long. Tuesday.

Awesome is what I say. This is one of John’s favorite flies and I cannot believe he is letting this one go for half price. I’m sure he will be ordering a handful online as soon as this goes live! And a few more of his favorite PMD patterns for good measure.

The CFO Ant fishes from mid May all the way through September. A great fly to have in your box if nothing else is working. A damn fine selection in the morning if you gotta absolutely need to throw a fly that gets some attention.

A blind fishing magnet for trout!

We love this fly for the Mo, but we also gotta have it when fishing small mountain creeks. It just flat out works in the wilderness!

Get online and get your CFO’s right now!

Buy one, get one by adding the coupon code CFOBOGO and apply.


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4 thoughts on “2FER TUESDAY BOGO CFO ANT”

  1. Just a quick question, is the gauge broken on the Dearborn??
    I mean, 8,000cfs?? That can’t be right.
    Crazy weather we be having..

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