10 Questions with Dewey Sutphin of Headhunters Fly Shop

10 Questions with Dewey Sutphin of Headhunters Fly Shop

10. Your favorite reach of river. Why?

Prewitt to Pelican. The braids above the boat ramp are awesome. Least favorite. Dam to Wolf Creek.

9. Favorite season of the year? Why?

Spring. Before the grass comes. Not too hot. Not a 1000 people around. When the caddis are coming out. I like stupid fish on dry flies. July if there were not any anglers around.

8. What rods do you like to fish with?

Sage RPL 690 hand built, WInston BIIMX 9′ 7wt, Loomis GLX 8’6″ 5wt., I want a SAGE Method 690-4

7. How do you like to roll. With friends, solo?

Friends. Drinking beer if way more fun with partners in crime.

6. What is your personal Conservation focus?

Water condition. Foolish use of water. Concerned with irrigators and their use. Not locally. Trash on the river pisses me off. Pick up your stuff.

5. Do you like the fishing lifestyle?


4. Do you think Craig will change upon sewer installation?

Well, Craig will change regardless of the sewer situation. It may speed things up a little bit. For the better or worse? It will bring in more people, for sure. But overall, better.

3. One hatch? Which one?

I’m gonna go with, well, I don’t know if it is considered a hatch…Termites. Rare, like flying ants, and that shit was unbelievable. Or PMD’s.

2. Where do you like to fish outside of Craig?

Lakes, Smith River. BElt Creek.

1. How about 6X? Yes or no?


Bonus 1. Barbed or barbless?


Bonus 2. Did your family get you involved in the outdoors?

Yes. My Dad.

Bonus 3. Who is/was your biggest fly fishing mentor?

My neighbor. Tom, he had a pond and took us up on the pond an took us on there Smith river and watched him catch fish and landed me his rod and I caught fish.

Bonus 4.Has working in the fishing business changed your love for it?

No. The same, probably love it more.

11 thoughts on “10 Questions with Dewey Sutphin of Headhunters Fly Shop”

  1. Really like this interview idea! Pretty unique concept and wouldn’t mind seeing you do more of these. Maybe even just some random Mo River/Craig Personalities and/or client interviews? Good Stuff as always!

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Good interview Dewey. Ben, can we see a map of the Dam section please? I think it will show how special that area really is!

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